“Whatever happens naturally is the best”….. To what extent is this statement true? This could foresee the momentum of life and the tumult of stress and ensuing frustrations. Tension more often than not gives way to frustration, causing unhappiness. Most of us find it difficult to cope with daily frustrations.
Often, we pursue goals and desires that are unrealistic. We pursue them with faith and determination hoping that persistence will yield results, which is not a bad thing. However, when the goal seems distant we should not bang our heads against the wall in frustration.
Osho said "No matter what you do, life turns out the way it turns out. Struggling with life does not help at all”. A miracle must happen. But when it does not, the best thing to do is to fall in line with karmic happenings. Destiny has a role and is subject to certain limitations. While working out your destiny, you might come across better choices. May be there is something better in store for you.
In the pursuit of our dreams we encounter delays, blockages and obstructions. We throw up our hands in frustration and scream “why can’t I do it?”
Don’t push yourself against an unyielding wall. Take time off. Create a space. For on this journey, there are waiting rooms, transit lounges and change of tyre on the way. Time, trust and tryst must synchronize with yield fulfillment. By that time you may have discovered a new purpose, a new goal, or even a new obsession. You may even find a spot of bliss.
It is said that happiness lies in the rhythm of life. Life is a flow. Cascade over the obstacles. The rhythm of life gains grace and agility, when you move on without the baggage of frustration. Frustration can be as small as a prolonged wait for a raise in your salary or it may be as shattering as failure in a deep relationship. Frustration is self-consuming.
When nothing seems to work, follow the law of acceptance. Believe that whatever is in your destiny, acceptance becomes necessary.

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