Its the most difficult thing in the world for some people. Just saying No.

These are usually pleasant folk. Who always love to please others. Notwithstanding the hardship it causes themselves or their very own.

I learned about this important principle, when one day a man came to our house. He spoke something. That was so needed by both of us. "Learn to say NO". I was puzzled. At that time I didn't get it. But looking back, I realized how right the guy was.

So I decided to cut off unnecessary entertaining of guests at home. I simply fended them off with a mighty, NO. That way I would get to spend more time with my kids, help with their homework. Just play with them, laugh with them. Enjoy them.

Next on my list, the women in my building. Every other day, a woman calls me for some function at her place. Either its a puja or a kitty party. Not inclined to both, and thinking of the near future requirement of my inviting them home too, I simply say NO.

So I get looks like daggers from these very women, as I go on my evening walks. I smile at them, but they look away. I've learned to take that in my stride too.

Of course, sometimes it gets quite boring. I'm really selfish, folk may say. But I want to decide what I do with my life, not someone else who wishes to dominate my time, my valuable energy.

My life's a whole lot easier now than it was then. I don't need to measure up to anyone's standards, but my very own. I can set my own priorities. I can sing, I can paint, be on WB till I almost faint. I'm my own boss, you may say.

It's taken a huge weight off my shoulders. I feel lighter and much happier.

Just because I learned to say NO.

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