I read an article about the health benefits of laughter the other day.

It said laughter is an excellent exercise which can even remove body fat. Just roar the roar of laughter from deep within your bowels and belly fat literally melts away within months.

Laughter keeps your complexion clear and glowing. Wrinkles are kept at bay. Stress vanishes and your tresses grow long and shiny. It's not the shampoo or costly creams you use but the fun within you that matters.

One tablespoon of laughter tonic everyday makes you fit as a fiddle.

Women, laugh as you knead the Ata. As you bang it with your fist.
Imagine it's your irritating hubby. Give it back to him in good measure..in good humor.

Men, laugh as you make cartoons of your obnoxious boss..as he goes on with his boring speech.

A joke a day makes you sexy looking.
It's not the apple. Nor the handsome doctor.

Laughter is spontaneous.
It releases the pent up kid within you.

Releasing the huge guffaw every now and then results in absolute youthfulness. No need of anti ageing creams.
You age very very slowly.

So sit with legs crossed, shut one eye, remember MalluBaba and the jokes..
and simply let out the laugh.

See you are glowing already!

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