I had never given much thought to apologizing . It had never held any value to me , not until the day i realized, just a single apology can change lives .
But sometimes its too late , the damage becomes permanent .
I remember those days ,those times ,those words , they seem to be etched onto my memory forever.
It all use to start with the same lame thing -Me getting up late , my mom continuously ranting about me saying I'd miss my bus again .I was school kid ,in fact, I,still,am a school kid .
I never thought those little fights over what tiffin i want to what should i wear , over where i go to with whom i go , would one day be the reason for my sticky situation.
My mom and I never agreed on anything common.I don't know if it was intentional or not but we were never on the same page.Time passed ,things which were little , which were silly became huge and serious .I don't know when our conversation turned to *Yes* *No* or *I Don't Know* .But all i knew was , a person was slowly , gradually fading away from my life .I felt like a kid stranded on a railway station away from his mother but the only difference was instead of running towards her i was running away from her .
I remember ,at times i held up my hand thinking she'd walk a little and take it but all i ever got was a stiff hand held in same position for too long .
Sometimes i feel like I'm standing in a crowded room , screaming at top of my voice and no one even looks up .
I grew up in a pretty house which was home to me back then , now all i have is a house where did the home go ?
I know all this is because may be i didn't check my ways or i never got over my ego , maybe because i didn't apologize when i still had time .Whom am I to blame if not myself ? Sometimes you bang the door shut on your own face and throw the keys down a drain .
But just tell me this ..
"I Reached out for you ,
But you were No where Near .
What am I Supposed to do ,
When I don't even Know If You care ..........."

Tags: Short Story

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