I wonder why everybody is so lazy nowadays.
For they can't even lift one small finger to click on 'like' to appreciate even one post on FB nowadays.
Are they so busy? I honestly think sometimes nobody appears on FB of late.

Last year I became so frustrated, I decided to go off FB totally.
I absconded for four months..till finally my sister started begging me, 'hey, you are needed urgently on FB..nothing doing..come back! We wanna laugh again.'
So with much reluctance, I returned. Suddenly folk descended on my posts from all over the world.
No dearth of likes n comments.
But then slowly they have returned back to their own lazy ways.
Very few likes or comments.
Maybe they have seen the post umpteen times on someone else's profile.
How much effort does one need to put in to just click on the 'like'?
Why are folk so lazy?

But I observed one thing on FB.
Just put up any weird snap of yours in any weird position, in any weird setting...
and behold!
'Likes' land on you like a swarm of bees!
"you look nice' or 'awesome' even on the most ordinary looking snaps.

Nobody wants to read nowadays.
'Oh, this writeup's so looooong.'
They skip it and read the shortest Santa Banta silliest joke.
I wonder why people are so lazy nowadays.

Thank God for Writerbabu!
At least they have woken up from their deep slumber and begun reading each n every post.
And they poll too!
Never mind even if it's a 'hummm'.
I am changing my mind about 'em 'humm'ers.
I wanna pat 'em on their back and offer 'em a 'humm'burger..
At least they still 'like' me on Wb..even while humming their tune.
Not like the lazy bones on FB!

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