Now I know what it means, fall in love,
Cause it really makes you fall down on your knees.
Now I know what it means, love is blind,
Cause if it wasn't, I would never have been in your arms.
Now I know what it means heartbroken,
Cause my heart is in pieces like pieces of puzzles.
Do you know what you did to me ?
I don't know how to love, what it means,
Someone just tell me how it feels ?
When you love someone so much that
He plays with your heart.
Do you know how mad I am ?
Mad at myself because I let you come in.
And every smile you make and every lie you tell,
Just made it even hard to forget,
Forget how asshole you are.
Now just look what you did to me,
What you did to them,
Those other girls you've played with,
They are as emotionless as I am.
And I won't let the king of heart play again,
Cause the Ace card is here to defeat you,
And when you'll fall,
Don't count on the Joker to rescue you,
He is out of the game too.
I now possess the winning hand.
And when the clocks make tic-tac
Your seconds on the play ground are counted.
Judges have proclaim,
You are guilty.
Like the witches of long ago,
You'll be burn alive in hell.
You didn't know all the ways I love you , NO
So you took a chance, made of a plan
But I sure you didn't think,
They'll burst out your face.
You don't have to say what you did
I already know, I found out from them.
Now its your turn to know how it feels,
Being betrayed and hurt.
It's your turn to know how it feels,
Being in the darkness of your heart,
And no one can saved you.

Now it's your turn to cry.

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