By the time it was half an hour, after much yawning, I was dangerously threatening to fall asleep. I was in no state to write anything or to follow the undoubtedly boring french class..

After the correction of homework, the teacher gave a new set of exercises to do. Coming in front of me, She asked:

"Where is your book?"

"I forgot it at home", I replied in a low voice..
"What what what what???", She asked..
I cleared my throat and repeated my answer loudly. Everyone in class now stared at us.. I was too well-known for both my hatred for the teacher and my regular outbursts.. I guessed correctly they were all half expecting a fight..

"then you go and look for one", she commanded..

That was something I would never miss. A chance to get out of that torturous class was a gift..I got up and walked my way out, grinning secretly at my friends.

Finding no book, I took my time to return to the class and when I finally did..

"I found no book", I announced..
"Then you stay after school and do it", she said..
"Don't bother, I borrow someone's book right now in the class and do it", I said cheerfully..
"No, No one here works for you, why should they do that??"

To this one, I replied nothing.. my trademark smile had disappeared, Instead there was an expression of anger, that made not the slightest effort to hide itself..

When the bell rang to signal the ending of the school day, That monster came to my desk as I was packing, and asked for my copybook..

"I did no classwork"
"just give me that copybook"
" I did not even start that classwork"
She kept asking for it, until I finally threw it at her harshly..

Then she began telling me that she will take to the rector and have me called to the office(As if I'm kiddo and will piss in my pants at that threat)the following day.. She was not even stopping!!!

I was boiling with rage, Shaking for head to toe with fury.. I had struggled to keep my anger under skin.. But I could take it no more.. as brutal anger invaded my cells and tissues..and took control over my brains..

I folded my right fist into a punch, tense my muscles; forearm, biceps and triceps.. about to deliver a brutal assault.. I wanted her face to be beaten so badly that by the end of the day, It was the color of her lipstick..

Then someone held my right hand and wrap his arm around my chest to pull me.. while someone else put his hand on my left shoulder..]

"I know how much you want to blow the wind out of her.. but just let it go.. control your temper", he said..I instantly recognized the was Vibz.. an old friend and the other one was Prehans, another classmate..

I could say nothing for a moment.. It was as if my lips were zipped..I realized I had been biting them for some minutes unknowingly.. I then said my first words and relieved myself from a burden..:

"That F**king whore"

and then we three friends kept on walking while having a hearty laugh..

Tags: School shits

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