Perception is what makes a you perceive a personality or an entity is how you form opinions about them.

Yesterday I was attending a satsang and one of the shabad being played there gave me the answer to this vexed question.....

If you wear a black glass spectacle everything appears dark and gloomy, and if you wear yellow everything is all lies in the eyes of the beholder and how you perceive something...

It doesn't take time to change your perception about something, and remember your perception changes by the hour....whatever you see may not necessarily change your perception or outlook towards it, yet the way you tend to look at it will certainly dictate the result.

The fact that something remains static forever is also falsified by the fact that life is a continuous and ongoing exercise.......

Someone needs to be experimenting with life all the time and some experiments fail, some don't, yet the experiments with life shouldn't stop.....

Life is charted by the path you decide to take.....just make sure the path is not 'crooked'....and this is where perception again comes yourself have to decide whether the path you've chosen for yourself is the right one or not....once the path is chosen stick to it, however difficult it may be....the road will soon become smooth...

The more one treads on a path, the more familiar one becomes of its travails and keep going!


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