When life gets at you, you need to be patient because the best of the lines are never on page one. Sometimes you might want to abandon the book on the dusty shelf and walk away silently, choosing never to look back again but that seldom helps because deep down you know that the beauty is tucked away somewhere between the yellowing pages. And jumping to that part is never beautiful unless you have gone through the dull ones.
Precisely what ran through the fucked up girl's mind as she stared at the same retreating arcade, the same dusty air she had been breathing since birth, the same turnings that twisted her mind since enlightenment, and wait a second... not the same "finger licking good" banner next to which the car halted for the red signal to turn green. The ground of this small town on which the ostentatious red building stands today could never have dreamed that it would be a proud bearer of the world favorite chicken bonanza! The beautiful lines were tucked away in a state of negligence until it became the talk of the town. If things can change for a lifeless thing like that then a breathing dream is a paradise of prosperity! All you got to do is hang in there, not just flip through the pages but read between the lines.

Optimism is a big word that normal people cant handle. That's why they are normal, that's why she is normal. She knew she had to swim out of the ocean of negativity and let the sun warm her heart. Exactly why she returned to that shelf always... precisely why everyone should return to that shelf always... because one day when you finally reach the end, you might end up praising the author and more so your surprising story. And though it still is a maybe, you'll never know if it turned into a surety if you simply desert it in the middle.

That thought crossed the mind and the brilliant green signal flashed before her eyes as if the streets of this too familiar town acknowledged it with a wink!

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