some times its the goodness in people that stumps you, surprises you and needless to say sometimes its just the viscous side which almost kills you.....

So is it just your expectation talking or are you yearning for far too much too early?

whatever it maybe, fact remains that man is a social animal, if he doesn't get attention he gets into a shell, and if he gets too much of it, he doesn't know how to handle it......

so what does man do, stop asking for things, stop expecting anything and just sit not at all but man needs to learn to be patient.....point is that in this jet set thank you ma'am age everybody is in a you find people scrambling to keep pace with their own expectations, their own images they have built up in their own heads......

some people reach a goal then immediately set another, and another and so on.....till it becomes a never ending pit of keeping up to your expectations.....yet sadly that is what life has become today.....

everybody has built up a ladder for himself to climb up any and everybody's shoulder - and since its a race you're not allowed to look back are you, or the person ahead of you puts his foot on your face.....and you get crushed......

what I look for is a world where people keep flourishing on their own talent without any jealousies and malice in their heart towards their those whom you find struggling, and look up to those whom you find much ahead of you......

Is that asking for too much? Maybe...... maybe not


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