It's just too cold here in Delhi. Am sitting at my desk in my cozy home writing this post with an intent to bring a difference to the lives of many using the power of words.
New year eve celebration is all about having fun with friends and it matters least where we go and what we do. For me all that matters is we are all together and doing something interesting and fun. I must tell you that last year's new year was the most memorable and the most adventurous of all time. We felt good about it and got closer to the realities of this world.
We ( me and my friends Angad and Tanwar) did some good work last year. Read this first before you proceed:
After I wrote this article(above link) "Jacket and Blankets", I got messages from so many people. People I didn't even knew, expressing their desire to be a part of next time something like this is being planned. And that is why I'm writing this post.
Whatever we did was very spontaneous and was least planned. I think we can plan it out this time with involvement from all those willing to do some good. We distributed about 135 blankets on the night of 31st December 2013. We can do much better if more people get down on the streets this time.
Aim is to help the homeless street dwellers from the blistering cold. Blankets serve the purpose well as it lasts long and one blanket can be used by those people year on year. The blankets we distributed last year were big, fire proof and mosquito repellant too. We can see if we can carry some food this time. Whatever we do will be less for sure but any move in this direction will prove life saving in this blistering cold.
The plan is not to create a group of 100 people walking together and doing stuff. But the plan is to create small closed groups who can coordinate among themselves and act independently. Anyone can start this anywhere in any city at any level in their own way using best of their creative ideas and skills.
So here is the plan.
Arrange for four things:
- Your friends ( first thing, obviously!)
- Donors for money to buy blankets
- Blankets
- A car or auto or anything to travel and distribute
We know a supplier who supplies for NGOs at low cost. We bought at the rate of Rs. 300. Contact No. : 9871540056 (Kunal, Netaji Subhash Place, North Delhi)
Things to keep in mind based on our experience last year:
Start late as these people may be somewhere else during daytime and evening, we started at about 11.
Check if the person you give blankets to is really needy. We found many people queuing up for blanket who already had enough. Someone like you might have already been there.

Always stop your car at some distance from the place where you intend to distribute blankets, because it can attract mob and things can get out of control in no time. We faced such a situation at AIIMS.
Do a survey of the area and count the number of blankets required there, take out only that many blankets from your car to give away.
Don't go too far into dark areas, you may get looted. We had been warned by police last year when we were under Barapulla flyover.
Last and the obvious one. The early morning tea and parathas are just priceless in this cold after whole night of adventure ... And for photographers in your group, the experience would be heavenly. I would be carrying my camera this time.

Delhi - NCR people, we can plan to meet at India Gate at around 5am (1st January ) after finishing off all the blankets.
A very Happy New Year and Merry Christmas in advance :)
[ Images taken from various sources ]