.......The rains have finally descended and its like mighty force pouring from the clouds......it can be said that the rains are falling furiously.....and this reminds me of the famous phrase our teachers often used," IT IS RAINING LIKE CATS AND DOGS" and we used to laugh but now the true meaning is sinking in.....
Our family planned kind of trip to give a view of the colleges I am soon going to enroll in and that day turned out to be one of my most damp days.......we sat in our cozy little Maruti with AC at the least temperature and took to the road......
The rains were hitting our glass like bullets and the tires were literally splashing the water like some mist................and the cars were going down the highway like they show in ads speeding their way past each other......
Little time was spent at just peeking the colleges....but the enjoyment was inside the car....with the songs lyrics bursting from our mobiles and we were literally laying back in our backseats and enjoying the rains....with no traffic, no interruption on the road....we enjoyed every bit of the time.....
Lastly we halted to marine drive where the waves splashed and hit the rocks.....the climate was a bit humid outside the car....we roamed with our wind cheaters resting on our arms...we stood on the panel made there and clicked our photographs...there were bubbles floating in air around us....everyone seemed to enjoy their own sweet time...couples sat with their arms intertwined....a crowd was gathered around a man selling corn....
The vanity vans were parked on the other side...from inside a sincere urge told me to peek in it and hope to find Ranbir Kapoor busy with adjusting his looks....but ah...wheres my luck!!!!....as the winds grew stronger and the rains took force again, we quickly ducked ourselves in the car and drove off.......
Now our lunch was the biggest problem...we didn't know any good restaurant in South Mumbai....half the time we used to park in front of a good restaurant and get ready to enter it and just then we said no that is a bad idea and drive away....at last we settled on reaching our home where a nearby place holds KFC....but we were too hungry and we wanted to eat the street food than some sophisticated chicken dish....so we randomly parked at some GURUKRIPA hotel...and started ordering in bulk.....and when the food came we feasted ourselves like a beast....and the food was so delicious and heavy that we were filled when only half the food was eaten....and the rest had to packed...
As the atmosphere became cold and damp and wet....the dark clouds continued to hover the horizon...everything turned dark...but the people never dwindled....still the the rush of the pedestrians continued....some hitting others with their umbrellas.....some running in wind cheaters to catch the buses.....ladies holding up their sarees to their knees to walk in the swimming pool that was formed by continuous raining over the time....kids played cricket in rains....and some just took a dip in the collected dirty rain water....all seemed to enjoy the Mumbai rains despite the inconvenience caused by it...
At last when we reached home....our windows were covered with fog and raindrops...which spoiled the direct view of mountains from my room....the trees surrounding our house were colored in lush green...everything seemed to be so wonderful..and then as I was tired from the journey that nearly lasted the whole day...I quickly changed into my casuals and jumped on my bed with a sheet.....the pillows and the sheets had become so cold and comfortable that I quickly lost in their soft dampness....

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