It's hard for me to sometimes believe when you call me
"cute"; because I'm a bit insecure and more-so shy.
It's hard for me to sometimes believe when you call me
"smart"; because I'm a bit hesitant and more-so talkative.
It's hard for me to sometimes believe when you call me
"hot"; because I'm a bit reserved and more-so plain.
It's hard for me to sometimes believe when you call me
"funny"; because I'm a bit thoughtful and more-so
It's hard for me to sometimes believe when you call me
"my love"; because I'm a bit stubborn and more-so
It’s hard for me to believe the way you see me, but maybe
because I don’t see myself with your eyes.
I can be cute;
I can be smart;
I can be hot;
I can be funny;
I can be your love;
…because you’re the one who brings out all the good in

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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