the strike of dawn. its preceded by the start of the chirping of the birds. and that is some music in itself as it brings the imagery of the start of a vigorous day again..people walking briskly on their morning routines - men with a stick for the dogs and women with sometimes a scarf on their head. there is the younger man as well with his i-pod's wire stuck inside of his earlobe and a odd kid on his bike..barely an hour later, the office crowd stake their ownership of the arena wide open. there are office goers in their bikes, the girls with big school-like bags and the quintessential software engineer who has no interest in his work more than the student in his studies.
i am mostly holding my tea cup in my hand either in the balcony or the nearby tea vendor that time of the day wondering is it better to be observing these folk or once again being one of those hurried office goers, the answer to which i do not get. then it just hurriedly passes this morning euphoria and the sun sets in with its full pomp and the heat makes it unbearable without the shade. thats when the rush of the start of the day is replaced by the tediousness of the daily life i guess.
but one thing to cherish more than anything else if the scenery that is pained in the far-off skies seen from my window amid the post-monsoon clouds which seem happy and is just after the daybreak when the breeze is cooler than ever and the sun is soothing than anything that point, the mind is drawn automagically to the marvel and bliss of creation and the grace of providence or god if you may..! its a beautiful day today.

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