It's time we gave up being depressed
It's time we stopped being torn to shreds
By every thought, word or deed
Or by someone else's greed

It's time we decreased
And He increased
It's time we lost sight of this big 'I'
Which makes us deeply sigh
Each time someone stabs
Pulls you down like a gang of crabs

It's time we focus
Not on some hocus pocus
But set a goal, a lofty one
And all laziness shun
Work at it day and night
Stop gazing at our plight
Don't give in to self pity
Daily cares and nitty gritty

It's time we looked not at the storm
Looming large.. to our fear we then conform
We then begin to sink
Before we could ever blink
For we took our eyes away
From the One who over the storm has sway

It's time we looked ahead
Though thorns make feet so red
Stripping off every weight
We may certainly be late
If we tarry on the way
What then can we say
When we lose the crown
and smiles turns into a frown
When He asks why
our faces turn wry
Our head stooped
We certainly had goofed

If only we hadn't given up the race
There would be that smile on His face
We had run the mile
In great, great style
So keep running
Keep persevering
Lift up your head bent low
Let your determination show
You aren't a sinner
But a sure heaven bound winner!!!

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