It’s really scary when you get attached to
someone. You spend time with them, you get to
know them. You find yourself knowing their
favorite color, food, movie, song. You discover
their flaws and their talents. And as time goes
on, you learn more and more, absorbing every
second of detail without even realizing it. Then
one day, you wake up and realize how much
this person actually means to you, and you love
them for every strength and weakness. They
make you feel warm and secure, but most of
all, they bring you happiness. And to bring
happiness to someone in such a way is a
strong and powerful thing. It could break a
person completely. Some say those who fall in
love are young and dumb. I say they show an
incredible amount of bravery. It takes courage
to trust somebody with your entire heart.

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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