Since the day I have accepted that I am attached to you,
It has always been you in my everything.
It was you who made me laugh like hell
Also it was you who made me cry like a child
It was only you whom I had given my everything
It was none other than you whom I loved to the depths of my heart
It was you whom I had trusted like my own self
It was just who was my everything
It was only you to whom I opened myself
It was you who made felt what "love" is
It was you who gave me emotions
It was you with whom I had never minded anything
It was only you whom I gave every right upon me
It was you who existed in my soul and nearest to my heart
It was you whom I ever cared about
It was only you for whom I could do any thing
It was you whose any kind of mistake I could let go off
It is still you the pain of whose separation I cannot bear
yes I felt like a fool you made of me
and I felt desolate after that
I felt ruined
I felt lost
then anger took over
and I fought like a commoner
but still I am unable to understand my heart
for ,It was yours, and it is still yours.
Nothing matters to me more than being with you
I have loved you to the core of my heart, with whole of my soul and with the acceptance of my mind.
I know not why, but i love you and I am afraid that I will keep on loving you, no matter whatever you do, no matter how much I am hurt by you, but I love you and my heart stays at peace when it knows that it is only you whom I cannot let go away!
Whatever may happen, I cannot stop loving you. Either I am mad or what. I cannot behave like those typical people for whom the pain matters the most. Yes, pain exists,but that can be healed with time,but the loss of a person cannot be recovered!
I feel nothing bad about you, and not for a moment I thought bad about you. It was just that I was unable to keep my heart at peace. I stay silent over such matters and I don't know why.
All I know is that I still am in love with you and madly in love with you. I make you weep and I get myself weird but inside it is only love which I have for you, for I have only learnt to love you. I cannot hate you, I cannot avoid you and I can never go away from you. I demand nothing in return, neither I want to bound you and make you feel uncomfortable by that. I just want to let you know that I cannot take you wrong for I have understood the nature of human beings and I don't blame you for anything. It is only you for me and It will always be you.

you may find me weird,complex or cold. but It is all that my "love" is strong and it cannot be overtaken by any of those things which matter least to me!

Yes, I am a human being and I behave worst most of the time. AT times I don't know what I am doing or how should I react to a certain thing. I behave like a child most of the times and fight for little useless things and make you feel uncomfortable, but those are the things which have to come out in one way or the other and I have been unable to stop them. but inside I am sorry for every worst thing I ever said to you or made you feel bad about. I love you and I love you alot.

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