I T Interview - a poem...

They came in a van , wearing suits and coats..
As we stood outside like a tribe of goats..
With resumes in our hands and hopes in our hearts..
We sat in the hall like stupid little farts..
Right through the room, I saw some faces burn..
And lo and behold, it was suddenly my turn..

Across she sat, the HR in a blue suit..
A seasoned pied piper, she put her lips to the flute…
“Earn money while travelling the world”, she said..
“and even your vacations will be fully paid”..

Then came another guy who looked like an ass..
And asked me: “How do you adiabatically expand a gas?”
I nailed him, blabbering an answer that was lame..
If he wanted to fool around I was the master of this game..

They asked me some truths, I told ‘em some lies…
At the end of the day it was all hi five’s...
And then they thrust at me, the invite to the crapper…
Or as she called it, “My first offer letter”.

It was then that IT hit me, I had landed a job..
I sat down on the floor and began to sob..
Bring out the pot and open the beer can..
Coz from tomorrow I am a working man!!

I got up early, all shaved and clean…
A new phase in my life about to begin..
Two months into the job I sadly realized..
This was a a job I should have sacrificed..

All the time I wondered how they gave a loser a chance..
But they were just throwing bananas and making monkeys dance..
As I go home now to drown my sorrows in beer..
I come to realize, “We are all losers here..”.

Tags: Humor

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