It hurts to breathe because every
breath I take proves I can't live
without you.
To fall in love is awfully simple, but
to fall out of love is simply awful. A
life with love will have some thorns,
but a life without love will have no
roses. Reject your sense of injury
and the injury itself disappears. The
greatest pain that comes from love is
loving someone you can never have.
Trying to forget someone you love is
like trying to remember someone you
never knew. The stupidest mistake in
life is thinking the one who hurt you
the most, won't hurt you again!
The way to love anything is to realize
that it might be lost. Love is
unconditional, relationships are not.
For all sad words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are these, It might have

::::: PK <3 MâĎĎÝ :::::

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