There are days which are bad, these are those days when you feel sad irritated,depressed,anxious and in some extreme cases even suicidal but these days end and then comes those days which are bright,full of hope and fun, happy and contain all those elements which makes life, supposedly, beautiful and these end as well. Both are required to understand the value of the other. No matter how difficult circumstances might be but the hope never dies. But.....then there are also days which are infuriating beyond the limit and hope keeps on fading as the day progress. These are those days which are, well how do i put this, these are.......Void i guess. Yes, the appropriate word is void. These type of days are so empty and hollow that from the moment you wake up to the moment you sleep, you feel void. I don’t know whether you have experienced this or not but on these days one feels, as if they have not done anything constructive and that they don't have the right kind of energy to do anything constructive. Entire time you try hard to shake off this feeling but instead, it keeps on creeping in, making you feel more energy less and more confidence less and more void. Its not that you cannot do anything constructive but just the thought of doing something makes you feel weak and distressed. Now, i know this sounds like laziness but its not. In laziness you know that you can do things but you opt not to do them, while at moments like these, ever part of you mind and soul is so empty that you unconsciously assume that you lack the resources to do anything.
The only good part about this kind of days is that they don’t stay forever, just like the other two types. Dynamism is a bliss at times.
I detest these kind of days and whenever i go through them i wonder is it just me or other people experience these as well.
So, people is it just me or you feel this as well??

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