As I think about the various kinds of people I have met till date, I cant help but think about the Special Friends I have had.

One of them is my present best friend. Kind, caring, compassionate and pure..are the words that can aptly describe her. We recently appeared for our board exams and are more or less satisfied with our results. But, as we prepare to step into a different world, I am unable to prevent myself from thinking if our friendship would REALLY last a LIFETIME! Its difficult to keep in touch and going out with my friends, especially my best friend, is out of question, as, her parents do not approve of her going to malls regularly.

Fine! But does that mean that we dont keep in touch? And yeah, she too is changing. She is not the same person I had known 3 years back. Don't know what the reason is.

But I sure know that she IS a nice girl. If not my best friend in the future, she would surely be one of some one else. Hope we remain best friends. If not, then, I would wish her luck for all her endeavours. Because, for me, she is, was and will be a special friend!

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