A calm still not so fresh morning started with a feeling of disgust, complains and not being so complacent and gregarious, and this hunger for the experience of caramalised love could have become more intense, had I not been given an assurance of a possible short meeting. So, my trip had got to be full of fascinations and demands, and some check outs to meet up with the high though obvious expectations I had probably never wanted to think of, came to my realisation. The callous satires exclaimed the other charismatic soul's superiority and strength, and my loss, in either way.

To bring these things on was never an option indeed, and the frothy conversations made my weaknesses more explorable and unseemly explicable. Relationships are not always about convergence and congruency. It is not about blabbering some random nonsensical still philosophically linked-up hysterical ideas. What emanates after looking through the challenges is to be stressed on, without any further prying and this gives rise to the most adventurous moves. I found that neglecting some priorities to role up the chances of getting a glimpse was like a loss of a sense of maturity and security, However, the togetherness for a single moment that makes you imagine some exotic explanations and out-of-the-blue expression of joy, and the silence in the dark that makes you wander like the most protected being, has to be remarked as splendidly precious. I would term the whole reference as composite engagement without any stains of vengeance and ignorance. My experiences would matter if counted in context to something lucrative rather than as a purpose to luxuriate, like sorting out the disparities and differences.

Another memorable yet beautiful aspect was weirdly-gained-joy after all the silly fights and unintentional offences that might have appeared as targeted infliction. The narrowing gaps of misunderstanding, acknowledging whatever was put up like something worse and enjoying being envious of all the so-called happening incidents that came across me just once but is honouring you frequently, has added the touch of spatiality altogether. I have no palpable idea of everything coming to an end but the thought has got enough force to push me somewhere into the woods where the negativity rules over the positive vibes. I believe the engagement is not about the same taste but alluring the other without materialistic enticements.

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