It is said child is a god's gift
Even I am a child
Den Y people alwaz say GROW UP my child. 

Their innocent smile, cute tensionfree face
That endless happiness( touchwood)
Papa,,aaama,, mumm,, khamm such sweet babble

You feel proud when dose small small hands come and touch ur face
Their small feet come in ur hands
Soft glowy pink pink skin touches ur cheeks
Cute soft lips

Even I am a child
I want to be one
I want to owe same love child owes
Dat sweet smile dat child brings
I want to have the same innocence.

You feel proudest when it's ur baby
Wen people come and praise dat sweet Little angel

Running in a marathon is Soo painful
But running after a child is so much fun
Feeding an old lady is horrible
But feeding a baby is a blessing.

Even I want to be a child
Want to earn same attention.

Dat little little steps child tries to take
Small small bites child tries to have
Toys obsession 
Mother obsession

Even I want to be pampered like a child
they are the most HAPPIEST persons on the earth,
Most carefree persons on the earth
Most relaxed persons on the earth
But still they are not given  warnings
They are not threatened
They are not beaten

I wish I have never grown up 
I wish I have been given chance to be what I am like an innocent smile.

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