Daniel fell in love with Maria at the very first sight. It was the famous city viewing spot. The beauty of the city’s view was no match to that of Maria’s. They would spend hours in each others arms. They believed, their love had been bound by the god himself. But the calamity fell when Daniels platoon was sent to the Vietnam War and they were separated. Months turned into years but there was no news of Daniel. At last destiny won and Maria got married to a handsome businessman. Daniel returned back a war casualty with an amputee leg. But the loss of Maria was the biggest blow to his life. With time, things pacified and Daniel too wedded a beautiful and understanding woman named Claudia. Claudia knew she could never get the love Daniel had for Maria, yet his kind eyes and noble heart pulled her towards him. Years later, as Daniel stood with Claudia at the same viewer’s point. He saw Maria sitting on a bench. That was when he couldn’t stop himself for asking her to dance in her arms just to remember those sweet old days. Claudia stood by smiling at the two of them.

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