Pain .. We don't want any. Our senses are on a constant watch in search of any feeling whatsoever.
Pain !
Pain has many definitions in the way we acquire it.
When we know what we are fighting for ,pain is called a struggle.
When we know what we will gain ,it's called sacrifice.
But the problem rises when are there is no name of pain ,what do we call it then ?

Mr.Desire kills us all in someway or the other. We become hard and unrelenting . We start to gloat.Let down people. Give away time .Lose sleep. Killing our health. Sometimes emotional ,sometimes physical. We all want more of something. When our wants are above ,Mr. desire has started the bloodbath ofcourse invisible.

Desire! Sometimes it leads a non believer to believe in God. Those who believe already , do some kind of rituals. Rituals that makes us believe there a force somewhere that will help us condone all the sins and sacrifices we do for our desire. And if we have the mettle to succeed some help will come .

What it shows is we are ready to give away a part of us in reaching or attaining the desired thing . Thus changing ourselves. Mould into a cast that fits the bill.

Desire ..

Once fight finishes and we succeed .. we have won over the pain.
Once gain has been done ..pain no more affects us.
But the biggest pain comes when after the endurance we doubt the meaning of the journey !
The viciousness of desire is thus revealed.

Down to earth is not a metaphor ,until ground really smashes into the face and reveals itself.

What we want is the first thing that we should want to know from ourselves. It sets us on the path free from desires .Sometimes desire and want are same. Pain is inevitable . Fighting is the only way.
Sometimes it is the other way round.Desire can lead away from what we want. Though desire is of limited timespan , it's cancer. Kills sooner that you think. . The urge to need to have what we want is lifelong. Wants are what keeps us on the ground.. Stable ,Steady .

The worse is the person who has not found what does it want. In it's absence desires are best kept at distance. But desire help him in making mistakes and to go on for the search of the Want.

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