A word with wonderous depths to it. Unlike other adjectives commonly used which describe your worth and want in the other person’s life, this word is all that it takes to make you pause and feel you are not weighted. You are not termed as a girlfriend,a partner, a special one, a perfect “choice” or a loved one.

You are the perfect Companion. You are an equal. You are not judged as being the dependent one who needs love or treated as an object which was “chosen” for being perfect. You weren’t chosen, you just fit in. You weren’t needed because you were thought to be special, you were needed because you made Him feel special. You see, the whole point is its not always about being good enough or being over-caring or excessively loving. Sometimes, its about being treated as an equal in terms of Love.

And the rest of the Love-Drug philosophy will be uploaded tomorrow ,once I'm done with my Exams. :)

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