I am outside your door,

too afraid to knock, i will wake you up,

but i stand, i sit, i wait for you,

for you are sleeping, deep in the dreams,

drowned in your own pool of fluid world,

i walk over my melancholy, extending hand,

but you touch the fingertips, adhering me to your world,

i am half here, half there, riving,

in the midst of latent fear, you lament my lullaby,

and out of the morbid fun zone,

i laugh with joy, for i know,

i know the morning dew will rest upon my face,

mixing salt in its purest form,

so i close my eyes, to join your dreams,

but i can’t, for the real you may wake up.

and trap me in the world of you,

so i am outside your door,

too afraid to knock, i will wake you up,

but i stand, i sit, i wait for you,

for you are sleeping, deep in the dreams

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