Dear daughter,

Thank you for sharing your anguish with me. I wept as I read and somehow couldn't keep the tears overflowing. I ran quickly to the washroom, lest your Mom notice and get worried!

Darling, why do you worry so much? I'm not 'a' dad, you know, am your precious, adorable and strong willed dad. So how can I be compared to those good for nothing ones who dislike their daughters, treating them with disdain?

Did I ever treat you different than my son? I always gave you both equal opportunities. Why else would he choose catering and you engineering? And please! You were MOST desired at birth. Burn those men who go for sons!

You are so delicate, like a velvety flower petal. So we brought you up with utmost care. We pampered you silly, yet didn't give in to your every whim! How would you then grow up?

I watched as you slowly unfolded from a tiny bud to a beautiful rose. Regal, adorable. Your fragrance follows you everywhere you go. Helping folk comes easy to you. They are attracted to you like a magnet. Beauty and purity, wit and wisdom, what amazing combination!

Now, dear, tell me why get anxious about those idle fellows who loiter around college gates and corridors? If they notice you, well it's fine. They are simply appreciating your beauty. But put your foot down if someone misbehaves, be ready to face him and give him an earful. But never RUN. I never taught you to do that!
No body on earth could ever harm you as long as your dad's alive.
Just let me know your location and I'll be there in a superman..remember your favorite hero as a kid? I'll scare the living daylights out of the rascal!

When one day you meet your Mr perfect, I wouldn't judge you ever. I'm willing to wait for much as you do!
And if by chance he turns out to be a duffer who mistreats you, don't hesitate to come back. In your dad's ever loving arms.

Don't worry too much what society says..let them say what they will. Live life fully, with a pure conscience.

And when time comes for me to depart, I know you'll be there by my bedside, comforting me. As always. Don't be too concerned about lighting my pyre..just yet! Anyways I would be dead then. Whoever lights it is not going to bring me back to life! Society made these funny rules. But I made up my mind, I want to be buried.

So precious one, see how your fears have been quite unnecessary. You never need to fear as long as I'm here. And even after. Didn't I always teach you to walk tall, dignified, doing the right thing at all times? Then why bother?

Don't worry.
keep smiling.

Your concerned,

Tags: Love, Compassion

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