One thing we often get irritated about is submission. Whether it's the boss or any one in authority over us.

I was irked by this security woman at the hospital yesterday evening, when she commanded me with irrepressible rudeness to leave the premises along with the others as our visiting hours were up.
Engrossed in deep conversation on my phone, I simply stood still. "Sunayi nahi diya?" she repeated.
I muttered something angrily to her and left.

All evening I was in a bad mood. It persisted till morning.

I went to my Friend, who was already on chat, and asked Him why I was so upset.

He reminded me of something I had always read in His love notes to me.
It went something like this.
"Submit to those in authority."

Authority? I thought they only meant a boss or the police or the Prime minister.

I played it over and over like a tape in my mind.
Yes, she was indeed an authority there and I simply needed to submit to her. Without resentment.

I met her this afternoon at the entrance. She checked my purse and waved me off with a smile.
I turned to go in, but hesitated. I went up to her and said, "I'm sorry I bothered you yesterday."
She smiled and said, "Koi baat nahi. Yaha jo bhi aate hai, sabhi tension me rehte."
I smiled and went in.
Felt light again.

I continued to think about authority. In the oddest of places.
Men and women stationed to oversee rules and regulations being implemented.

What about the supermarket? When we refuse to follow instructions to queue up, when we forget to stack up stuff we dislodged in a hurry. When we throw bits of rubbish all around.

Or in the midst of a heavy traffic. We honk, we yell, cross the line and refuse to pay the fine.

When we make faces at our teacher behind her back, draw caricatures of the strict Principal on the black board or stubbornly deny our well meaning parents their right to correct us in love.

Do wives submit to their hubby's wise counsel as the head of the house or is she cunningly using him for her own devious ends?

There are people in authority every where we turn.
It will relieve us of unnecessary tension, put to nought frivolous disputes and potential fist fights, if we would only submit.

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