Well, first thing I'd do would be to visit my best babu friends with flowers and chocolates. Place them on their desk..(unseen of course)... for all the love, warmth...the moral support.

I'd watch delighted as that lovely smile breaks out on their worn, tired face.
I'd be their magic wand, that fairy with wings ...just for a day.

Next, I'd find out whereabouts of errant babus...beat them black and blue.
For cheating me into thinking he was female and she a male!

Next, I'd enter their rooms, peer inside, throw out all their junk..
and stuff expensive things into my pocket.

Then, take a stick and whack their behinds...for not giving me my poll.
Now that's their toll.

Hungry, I'd raid their refrigerator, empty its vital contents.
A day without food is actually good food for their skin.
So detox.

Then, I'll scan their PC, notify their parents about strange, hidden activities.
Another round of thrashing begins.
Hee hee.

Now they're getting worried.
Who's behind this?
They're stupefied.
Take that for going anonymous!

I'd shift furniture..at night. Send things flying..the sound would wake them up.

Clad in white sheet, with holes for eyes..I'd say booo..
and watch them go terrified to the loo!
Sweet revenge for their horror stories they regaled other babus with..
but not impressing me!

I'd cross connect all their calls, muddle up messages.
And enjoy the puzzled look on their faces.

Seriously, they'd wish now to have their head examined!

That's about done for today.

So much for not polling me...
for ignoring me..

But I realize they still love me.
I need them as much as they need me.
They're my silent admirers!

P.s- wrote my silliest..
take with heavy pinch of salt.

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