my dear granny,
what do u think of urself.....what do u get by doing this???
for god sake stop doing this...u knw u r blessed by god to have such loving n caring sons n daughters in law.......they r so careful abt everything related to u..ur food,medicines n what not....

its their duty to look after u n they do it well.....u cud have never expected to get these all facilities...look at the old parents who r thrown out of their own homes by their own children.....ur condition is better than theirs....there is no comparision at all....then what for u do these house breaking n heart hurting things..???

cant u see ur sons happy with their wives n children..???/
cant u see them in peace.?????

i once had respect for u...i used to love u...but now...m matured enough to understand things......i knw mom's nt always u r always wrong....cant u stop complaining....u do all wrong..say all wrong n den act as if u havent done anything ...havent said anything.....

u knw dad has a mother bt i dnt have a granny.....u've lost all that love n respect n dont ever expect this from me.....

a few days of life r left...pls b n let parents do everything to keep u safe..happy n like a human....

pls its a request...u knw u r all the problems for the lost peace in my life n at home......try to b a mother..i knw u can never b a good mother in law....

i knw i'll never do this...but all ur "dushkarma"..make me feel lyk killing u...i've killed u a thousand tyms in my mind..n if u kee doing this all non sense n dont stop hurting my mom...i wont kill u bt i better kill myself.....i hate ur never ending commentry....hate to even see ur face.....stop ruining r lifes...pls..

u knw what..if i wud get a chance to kill someone on wud have been u..alll becoz of ur sins....

ur nt lovivg at all
grand daughter

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