I yaam fram Keralla
Goad's own kundry
nice koknut trees yewry wer..
vaater..vaater plendy
green trees to see
I yaam fram keralla
Goad's own kundry

We have big, big banana
and big, big aana
if you see them
you'll break indo gaana
tasdy chips like no ader
trai it wonce
come to Goad's own kundry

They kaal us mallu
wai, i dond understaand
we are malayalees
nat silly mallu
we not kalling marashtrian
"maru" then why "mallu?"
I yaam fram keralla..

We put koknut oeel in hair plendy
dripping dripping, people running
this oeel nice, far cooking, far toddy
wai you peepls dond like, I dond reely understannd
trai it, good far you
I yaam fram Keralla..

The mens wear white mundu
they have big meesha..I mean mustache
if they no having meesha, they no mallus at aall
they love movies, same to same 2-3 actors in aall the movies
no ader pastime, but wonly koknut, mundu and movies
I yaam fram keralla...


Tags: Humour

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