I wonder many times,
what makes one ...a saint or a sinner !!!

What truth and lie is ,
What right and wrong is,
What sane and insane is

Isn't all these having definitions as per individuals ,
I wonder....
The wrong for me ,
... can be right for someone ,
Everyone having his own version of all this.

Sane -insane,
Truth n lie ,

More we grow with life,
Meaning of life keeps on changing,
making us to move forward in every way ,
Some new lesson learnt,
Some new path to be chosen,

Away from the sane-insane moment,
a moment is waiting,
A moment of change,
A moment of oneness !!!

seeking in infinity, searching for absoluteness !!!
The oneness in thoughts,
The oneness in soul,
the oneness...in every action !!!

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