What is missing??? There is no flair and no flavor in life with out the things that quicken the heart beat… I seem to be all out of those. People, all the smarter, wiser ones around me tell me that I need a hobby… very nice.. thank you so much for your words of wisdom…
I paint.. yes
I sing.. yes
I write.. true too
But I am no painter, singer or writer.. I may be quite good at all these things but because I do not pursue any of them professionally, the only reason I do them sometimes is that I get inspired in moments… in those moments I cannot stop doing these wonderful things..
The problem here is that I need that inspiration.. that’s what I am missing..
the soaring to the skies, plunging into darkness, cutting through flesh , crying rivers of tears, tummy killer unstoppable laughter…. Love.. the feeling of all that is missing.. all I feel is hollow and listless and angry..
yes, I have discovered a terrible temper I never knew I had..i cannot predict what I will do next..
I hope things change and that they do so soon.. there could be no tragedy worse than losing myself.. I know how wonderful I am.. I miss me.. I want me back!!!

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