It dates back to the time when I too had a "best friend". When I didn't need to go around bitching to other girls about something. When I had a living diary, who'd not only listen to all my stuff, but, would also support me through all walks of my life.

Well, it all started one fine day in 2007, when I was in standard eighth. A new girl entered our bus, timid and nervous. With her heads bowed down, she walked forward and took her seat by me. That place was meant for my friend who'd board the bus at the next stop, but, somehow, I just couldn't deny her the seat. All the way to school, we didn't utter a word to each other. I sat next to her, cursing myself for not being able to say no to her. And also, for not being able to initiate a conversation.

Later I found out that she joined my section.

From the little conversations in bus... to waving at each other in the classes... We slowly became friends... Really good friends!

We went to school together... chatting all the while in the bus. She sat in front of me in the class. We'd do all our home works, assignments, projects together. We'd sit in the class fighting over our lunch. Wherever we went, we'd be together. Well, even to the washrooms!
For two years, we went to the same tuition class, holding our hands. We celebrated all our festivals together. We shared all our little gossips. We talked about all our secret crushes. There was nothing in my life, that was hidden from her. And I don't think there was anything in her life that was hidden from me; even though, she was an introvert to the world.

When I reached 10th standard, I came to know that we were shifting to a different part of the city; near my school. That was a really disheartening news for me and my friend. I still remember how we had cried over that news... cried on the day I was leaving. I knew, I'd still be meeting her every day at school, but, I didn't know how was I to spend the rest of my hours without her! We would no longer be able to go for those morning walks together. We would no longer be able to shop out together. Who'd be there with me at my leisure? Who would I rush to, for all my bitching? Who'd I do my assignments with? Who'd I share all my crazy stories with?
There happen to be only 6 hours of school, and unfortunately, the major portion of our lives was now to be spent without each other.

After 10th, we remained in that school only and had now started sitting adjacent to each other.
Now, the world knew we were best buddies. No one would speak of me without her. It was so obvious that if I was going somewhere, so was she. If she was doing something, so was I. If she'd get involved in any kind of nuisance, there was no need to mention my company with her.

We had great moments together...!!
I do not remember a single merriment or misery of my teenage that doesn't involve her.

But, all of that was only until we kept meeting each other. After the school ended, our lives took a sudden twist. Her recluse nature started coming in between our friendship.
She'd never call or text me. She'd never propose to meet me. I knew she still loved me, but, now when I'd try to find my best friend at need, I'd be unfailingly let down. She wouldn't even know that I needed her. Well, how would she? She was an introvert; happy all alone!

Now regrettably, I am recollecting all that love in despair. I know she still cares about me... She still has affection for me. But, if she doesn't bring herself to express her concern about me soon, I am sure, I wouldn't be able to keep my heart convinced for long.
Lately, what has happened is that, she didn't wish me on Diwali. More than a fortnight has passed since then. I am angry with her and she doesn't know!
I hope she calls me up soon so that, I am able to ascertain the fact that I'm still her best friend.
If not, this reminiscence is fittingly done in "past tense"... A friendship, meant to be forever, would become a memory to enliven my life.

I really miss you sweetheart! Life is so arid without you by my side!

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