I thought all day what to say, what to share. Most of what I speak is my life. Yes sometime it's make believe.

Most times it's just me. I have never been to a place as this before. Never knew I could share my heart, my soul. Maybe I write in vain. I think not. Least my words would stay in my heart, that I share. I share with you if you read what I write.

Poems now in life come easier, not like before. How can this be. Never mind its just me.

Thank you who ever you be the person who created this, WriterBabu. I sometimes think, what do I say.

Should I be silent, never when I have this platform to say my mind. I know
some of you feel them same.

Where if not for here would you be able to express the words I read. Many have touched my heart, most that I read are as I speak of.

All this being said. I live in the United States of America. Yes its true, the best of what our time has brought, maybe, yes we have our faults.

If you read what I say I pray you know and see my heart, Its not hard just a man who love's all man, of all walks of life.

I have seen many others that they will never know, my life is to change what, how they perceive others they have never seen. I am older, but I promise to you my friends, I will always share what you say, in a most gentle way.

Hope you get my words. I believe I am a friend to most.

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