I still remember that night, that mum still finds hilarious. It remains as one of my childhood memories that I haven't been able to forget till now...

Back when I was in standard five at primary school, I had made my first encounter with the chapter known as 'long division' in maths. After several times the teacher had explained, I understood nothing at all! And so I was given homework..

Later that night, after I had struggled alone with those exercises, I finally gave up and asked mum to help me. As she was weak in maths, she kindly requested me to go and ask dad-(who was always boasting that he was very good in maths as a student)- for help(later I realized that there was much sarcasm in that 'kind request').

So I went to dad, who was more than willing to help. He asked me to sit besides him on the bed and so he began his lesson. I was trying so hard to keep up that in the end, same result occurred: I still understood nothing. But that wasn't enough..

He began his trademark lectures and explained to me how to do this and that in life. He told me tales of his youth and how hard was college life. filled with equations and formulas... Imagine the situation of that 9 year old kid sitting there..

Finally I gave up.. and I fell asleep, leaning against the shelf behind the bed. Mum later told me that dad, not knowing I was asleep, continued talking for about 45 minutes!.. Oh guyzz.. how I laughed at that moment!! :D

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