i live in a world of my own
where ppl around r yet to b known
all r busy ruining their lives and feelings r not to b shown

was d person who nobody can hate
has bcome a lonely freak whom no-one can sate
i say its my "karma" but ppl call it fate..

all day i keep fighting wid myself to smile
tired of faking happiness n managing d sorrow pile
feeling restless,trying d best to get out of the jail,but all in hail

lost self esteem,confidence
lost friends,lost love - such a coincidence !!
me and only me is now given importance..

have no one to care for
none can irritate me with their talks for sure
found d silence within which i wanted here..

i lived,i laughed,i loved,i smiled
i cheated,i cried,i hated,i lied
hoping forgiveness from d almighty n ppl who i ve hurt..

i go..i rest..i stay..
in ur happy or bitter memories.. !!
in ur love or hatred..
in ur blessings or curse..

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