Yesterday as my weary eyes scrolled down the home page looking for some nice, heart lifting article, I caught a title on the home page..but I refused to even OPEN the post! I was put off completely by that word. Now I know the post must have been written to describe some awful thing or person, but sorry! I still refuse.

If anything could put me off, no matter how lovely the article, it's that word. Hope we could replace loathsome words with something more decent, no matter what our feelings were at that moment. Does a bad word neutralize a bad deed? Does it help you become better in any manner? Has it managed to make you look good in the reader's eyes? No way. In fact you feel worse now than when you were wronged. Two wrongs never made a right. RIGHT???

Why do something below our dignity, why fall to the obnoxious level of those who did us wrong?

So please folk, let's abstain from those crass words. They take attention away from the theme, just doing the opposite of what was intended to be.

I refuse to read, poll such!

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