She left me when I needed her most. She gave me company in my most lonely times.
Attractive features vibrantly clothed...she held enormous appeal.
I spent hours gazing into her eyes. Large and beautiful eyes. She held me to ransom.
I had little time for others with her around.

She sang for me..danced sometimes. Totally entertaining me.
Days passed..months flew by.
One day she fell sick. She lay still. Deathly pale.
The song died music faded and I...
Much jaded.
How could I ever live without her?

I stare at her little eyes strain..her voice low..dimmed sights.
How I miss her older sister!

Now I stare as if in a mirror...a tiny weeny rear view mirror... at busy babus all around.
I miss my cute Missy.
When will hubby repair my PC?

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