I miss my school days....
that going through lane,
sometimes on foot,
sometimes by hiring a van.
sometimes with my sist,
sometimes with some friends.

I miss my school days....
where i spent 5 to 12.
with a big gang of friends-
nava, momo ,sona, jhum
sayen, prits, dipz and rump....

I miss my school days....
that silly fights with mates,
sometimes for monitor-post,
sometimes for being a program-host.
sometimes with bottles,
sometimes by throwing dusters and bags....

I miss my school days....
that fear for exams,
and being afraid of marks.
that self-parent signature
and lying to the teacher....

I miss my school days....
that chemistry lab,
that period-gaps.
that corridors with full of crowd ,
and that shadow of trees on stony ground.

I miss my school days...
that regular home work,
with high study pressure.
that fear for punishment,
specially for
"stand up on the High bench".

I miss my school days....
that stealing tiffins.
that waiting for recess
for eating chop and samosas.
sometimes i had to pay,
sometimes force others.

now I could realize,
it was GOLDEN PERIOD of my life..

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