I met an angel of my dreams, exactly as i
always wanted...
few months back unexpectedly..
she's a 5 year old kid who'd cry if i dont get
back to her on time...
she's a care taker if anything happens to me...
she behaves like a child, a mother, a wife and
sweet lil girl who always end up being with me;
either by fighting me or getting angry on me.
sometimes, applies the tricks of silence and
ignorance but just for one reason and thats
me... she's curious when i dont get back to her
on time, she's is worried when i dont respond
her call, she's insecure when we go out publicly
and there are hundreds of other gals, all she
want is to hold me near her...
she cries when i cry, she cry when i m
she is lil bird who open her wings to fly, she is
an instructor for me to face the world..
She dance different but she makes me smile,
she sing so well but she make me cry, she is an
angel of my dreams and in sky she fly..
she steals my heart daily but she end up being
with me...
Ah... what more to tell... i m out of word, but
she is my whole world... All i know is that I
love her the most in this world....

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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