See how I cruel I have become
I made you cry for none of your mistakes
I made you fee bad for my own problems
I spoiled your mood for my own was not good
I left you on your own when you needed me
It seemed _ I wanted you only in your good mood
but I left because I myself was in worse...
how mean I have become
I am sorry for what I have done
For I had no intention of doing these things
I cannot pay the price of your tears,
yet I am saying that I love you a-lot
I love you more than before,
and loving you more every day than last day
All I want is to be with you
I do love everything with you
you are one and only one to whom I can say anything
for whom I can stay awake any time
to whom I cannot lie
to whom I cannot refuse
you are the one for whom my heart has all the love
and none of hatred or any other thing than pure love
I love you and I am yours
If it were possible, I would have shown you how much I love you..
last thing, don't you be bad like me
don't cry over my strange things.
just say them away,
don't keep quite,
for I am completely yours,
you can say anything to me, no matter how worse it may be.
yes, I am worse myself at times, but
my love for you remains same...

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