I'm gonna do what I always dread to do.
Wear a saree!!
We have to go to a wedding reception tonight..and gosh! what am I gonna wear??
You see, the saree shouldn't be too gaudy...or it overtakes the one the bride's wearing..
It shouldn't be dull..or I'll look like an old hag.
So what should I wear?
Pink, orange, yellow..
Oh no I'll look like fresh fruit in them!
Onion skin chiffon variety, clingy type NO NO..
thickish material but oh so awfully stuffy in 'em!

And the blouse..always feels over fitted..I may have to loosen it the umpteenth time.
How early must I begin the preparations?
Would the pleats come out neat?
Will the saree do the slipping act as it once did, but luckily noticed by only my two pals?
Is it okay to throw the meddling pins away?
A million anxious thoughts.

Wish I had someone to do all the organizing and assembling of accessories for 'em stars!
Oh if only I could be spared this saree torture!
Men have it so easy. Just wear a shirt, a tie and any trouser.
No body bothers.

But on second thoughts.. I like it somehow.
After the initial anxiety and hard work the effect is quite good.
They compliment me.
It accentuates my figure somewhat flatteringly like no dress or trousers could.

So I think I'd rather forget about myself tonight..just drape myself in a nice acceptable silky saree..
let my hair loose..
forget what other gorgeous ones are wearing..
ignore what they are saying..
and simply enjoy my delectable dinner!

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