Since Monday some keeda seems to have bitten me! It's making me itch all over. The itching is so intense, it leaves me red all over.

It's a peculiar itch. Scratch scratch.
I think it began the moment I opened the Wb cupboard some time last week. It was full of cobwebs (they don't dust anymore).
I began sneezing, I realized it must be some allergy.

The strange thing is it's making me laugh instead of crying! I also came to know I've begun writing more bakwas than before.
Also I feel like leaving my mark everywhere I go..i.e ..every post I read!

Then I became somewhat weirder too.
Because I laugh when someone's crying and I cry when someone's laughing.

I HAVE TO to comment on every post! It wasn't like that before.
It HAS to be the cobweb. I mean I was so seedhi saadhi before..
now after the allergy, I'm becoming a little notorious!
I even started to pull legs.

Now I realize pulling legs is a necessity on Wb as folk normally are very very short here i.e (tend to write extremely short writeups)..
so taang kheechna is extremely good for the mental and physical health of all Wbites..
who knows they may gain in height in the very near future and also bhaag like Milkha singh!

In fact someone was about to offer her/his resignation letter from Wb yesterday..because she/he found all folk here very very short statured..
but some of us pacified the person, urging her/him not to leave just like that..

so I take on myself the heavy responsibility of making all persons here taller than they actually are!

Oh no the itching's begun again!
Lemme search the next post..
to leave my mark!

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