I'm always a mess... I can never keep my own
secrets... I laugh too hard at stupid things...
My favorite songs can make me cry... I always
think to wait for 12:00 till midnight to wish
birthdays but miss it more than I notice it.
I live in present,but also in the past memories I
have with the people I love. I hate thinking about
reality and I'm so homesick, or may not be
homesick in a "missing my house" kind of way,
maybe it's more like heartsick for all the things
that I can't get back...
It's hard for me to define myself, I guess I'm just a stupid guy whoz too matured at times n too childish
the other tym.. The guy who loved too hard , trust
too much and didn't get back da same response in
All i wish is I don't want to be the hero in some
tragic love story... i just want to hav a happy
ending... at family, luv n social lyf...

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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