Somehow I find it easier to identify with young vibrant folk. The vivacious lot. Who love fun and laugh lots. Though if you saw me you'd disagree.

We had this teen at home three weeks and he didn't allow us a minutes rest. Made us laugh and laugh. With his awesome mimicry. I tried to control myself as the others but couldn't. Hey. I'm older..I tried to reason with myself. But in vain.
So the guy made fun of his dad and everyone around.

Young people are spontaneous. They care two hoots about decorum . They revel in disorderliness. Bring chaos all around. Wild and obnoxious at times but somehow so appealing and attractive. Fully untiringly energetic..

I wish folk could somehow retain this spontaneity as they grow older. The wide eyed wonder at things unknown.
Somehow they would still be full of faith in themselves even when things look impossible.
That boundless energy and enthusiastic spirit could still set them apart from other morose individuals.

As we grow older we stop laughing. At little funny things. We act as if we know it all.
Status quo's ushered in. The dikhawa game now begins. To be what we are definitely not.

Nothing interests us anymore. How can it when we lost the wide eyed wonder of a little kid.
Let's do a little jig. I do that sometimes and my son says I lost it.
Hey but I wanna have fun. Laugh and make others laugh.
To be unpretentious and care nothing of what others think.
I wanna hold my sides in uncontrolled laughter...mimic the funny and smile always.
Sometimes break my routine to be with my young teens at home and on writer baabu and be spontaneous again.

Tags: Youthfulness

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