Oh ~!~ so i got some polls of different nice people on my FIRST PIECE OF WRITING ~!~ :D So right here my second one goes .. ;)Earphones stuck , humming to the beautiful tone , i looked outside the window of the train ! Tensed .. ? Yes replied my roaming mind .. Chill girl .. it would be fine ! First is olwaz xtra special you know that ! replied the heart with a mysterious chuckle ..I fought back the tears and nervousness .. i know i can do it .. i will play to my heart's content .. i will make my first school nationals worth remembering !Beautiful scenery , loads of hope and excitement .. still sitting and busy in my own talks .. i looked at the phone and then immediately looked up .. there from the other bogey .. i saw somebody looking at me .. sitting at the centre .. He stole his glance .. i felt like laughing hard .. then it ws me to look now .. he stole it again ..Funny ! i tried to control my laugh .. ! And got busy in my thoughts again ! .................................Little did i know this person whos lookin at me and am looking at right now ..would bring such a change in my life .. would just bring a tsunami of emotions which i left back ages ago .. would chnge the meaning of love and hatred in my life .. ! HE DID IT IN A BEAUTIFUL WAY OVER THE TIME ..! Like bonds end due to stabbing of trust ! Placing of fake promises ! etc. etc.i lost faith and love the second time .. ! i lost it again ! :) :) :

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