I long for the day..
when women could walk safely any where they go
where a mugger or rapist would not show
they would be relaxed as they walk arm in arm
smiling, absolutely calm

I long for the day..
when I could buy any stuff and not be afraid
that what he sells is fake, but be of the first grade
where none would dare cheat, but be willing to meet
stringent action, if found incomplete.

I long for the day...
when men in power would refrain from amassing untold wealth
with crookedness and cunning stealth
where what's intended for the poor
is not diverted to the middlemen through another door.

I long for the day...
when the errant driver would take responsibility for his action
and not blame in entirety the other faction
where rule and discipline is followed
on many a harried, chaotic road.

I long for the day...
when men and women can be trusted completely
with absolutely no fear of infidelity
where relationships would weather any storm
and happy marriages be the norm.

I long for the day...
when the youth are motivated to be all they need to be
from shackles of tradition and customs they'd be free
and rise up finally to take their rightful place
be the nation's voice of the poor and the helpless.

I long for the day...
when more writer babus are added
graded or ungraded
an already growing number
to the fire of revolution, as a glowing ember!

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