I just happened to log on Wb the other day. Wow!!! 12 notifications!!! That was wonderful. But then as I clicked on the "notification" symbol, nothing happened, the little list that usually appears did not appear. I clicked and re-clicked. Nothing happened.

I was unable to check my notifications. :/

I closed the page. I was very disappointed and unhappy. Why was this happening to me? I logged in again. This time the little list appeared. My smile returned immediately. I clicked on a post of mine which had a new comment. I read the comment. I wrote a reply. Nothing again..

I was unable to comment. :(

I reload the page. Then I went on the homepage. I clicked on a post to read. It was a wonderful one. It deserved a speechless. I clicked on the small speechless box. Then I clicked on 'submit poll'. I stared shocked at my screen. NOTHING HAPPENED!!!

I was unable to take poll. :'(

As I finished writing this post. I was very frustrated. What on earth went wrong?? Then I remembered I had a question mark pic I could attach with this post. It would surely match. As I clicked the 'upload image' button. You can guess what happened? yes, you are right. Nothing happened..

I was unable to upload a pic. :@

Then I just clicked on the don’t upload picture option. I realized I could do without a pic on the post. I decided to publish my post immediately. Haha. This time I was not really shocked when I saw what happened when I clicked on the “publish” option. Hell yeah.. You guessed again, didn’t you? Nothing happened..

I was unable to publish my post!!! >_<

So I just saved it on Microsoft Word to get it published later..

:’( Was very sad..
Ps: Problem was on Google Chrome. It's ok now.. :D

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